4 natural ways to manage dry eyes

4 natural ways to manage dry eyes

Dry eye syndrome is caused due to insufficient lubrication and moisture on the eye’s surface. A person suffering from this condition may experience subtle but constant eye irritation. Retinopathy, diabetes, and other underlying conditions can also cause dry eyes. So, apart from using clinical intervention, here are some natural ways you can use to manage dry eyes. Make sure to consult a doctor before using these to avoid side effects.

Increase daily dose of vitamins
Various vitamins such as vitamin A, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, Riboflavin, Niacin, Lutein, Thiamine, and Zeaxanthin are not only good for overall health but also play a crucial role in improving ocular health. However, it is also necessary not to go overboard supplementing these vitamins. A doctor’s consultation is recommended for the correct dose of vitamins to avoid side effects.

Heat and massage
One of the main causes of dry eyes is blocked tear ducts. These can be unlocked by applying a warm compress or washcloth on the dry eyes for several minutes for a couple of days until the symptoms subside. The debris formed by dryness can be loosened using a warm compress. It helps unclog tear ducts and release natural oils.

Washing eyelids regularly
It is another one of the most effective home remedies to treat dry eyes. Washing eyelids with mild shampoos can restore lubrication in the eyes by removing the debris and reducing inflammation. Apart from this, over-the-counter eye drops and eyewash solutions can also help manage dry eyes. However, make sure to consult a doctor before using any shampoos or eyewash solutions to avoid side effects in the eyes and surrounding areas.

Use humidifiers and purifiers
The surrounding environment is one of the major contributing factors to developing dry eyes. One of the factors includes dry weather or pollution. Hence, using a humidifier or a filter can induce moisture or purify the air, thereby helping avoid dry eyes. It is also recommended to change contact lenses frequently or use moisture formulated lenses.

While these are some natural ways to manage dry eyes, doctors may prescribe medication for severe dry eye cases. Restasis® is one such treatment option that treats chronic dry eyes with decreased tear production due to inflammation. It comes in the form of an ophthalmic emulsion (eye drops). An ophthalmologist will prescribe the right dosage for you. Other treatment for dry eyes includes Xiidra, Lacrisert, and Eysuvis.