Symptoms of liver disease due to excessive sugar

Symptoms of liver disease due to excessive sugar

The liver performs many vital functions in the human body. For instance, it promotes digestion by secreting bile, regulates chemical levels, and stores iron, copper, and fat-soluble vitamins. However, like any other organ, its working can get affected due to specific illnesses. One’s food habits could also affect the liver severely. Here are a few common signs of liver disease due to excessive sugar intake that should not be overlooked.

Fatigue and low energy
Tiredness or constant fatigue could be an early sign of liver disease brought on by excessive sugar consumption. People who enjoy too many sugary treats can develop insulin resistance. It is a condition where the body’s cells stop responding to insulin, the hormone that helps regulate blood glucose. As a result of insulin resistance, blood sugar levels rise constantly, affecting the liver and leading to chronic lethargy and exhaustion.

Digestive issues
The liver supports gastrointestinal function. So, when the organ is affected due to excessive sugar, it can trigger digestive problems like gas, bloating, and even indigestion. Since the organ can no longer break down food effectively, it can even lead to constipation and bowel complications. Moreover, bile secretion problems can worsen the symptoms and increase the risk of other health concerns. So, it is essential to take digestive discomforts seriously and ascertain whether they result from kidney disease caused by high sugar intake.

Inflammation can result from various health conditions and can also be a sign of liver disease due to excessive sugar intake. When a person eats too many sweets regularly, the body’s cells start to swell up with fluid. This leads to inflammation in different organs, including the liver. When inflamed, the liver cannot function properly, increasing the risk of numerous other health complications. Hence, those who suspect inflammation should visit a healthcare professional.

Fatty liver disease
When a person eats sugar, the body breaks it down into glucose, which is used to produce energy. However, when the body receives too much sugar, not all of it is utilized. While some of the glucose is used for energy immediately, the excess is stored in the body in the form of fat cells. These fat cells can sometimes accumulate in the liver, causing fatty liver disease. The condition can lead to a range of discomforts, such as a swollen abdomen, weakness, and drowsiness. If the problem is ignored, it can increase the risk of health complications.

According to a study published in 2021 by Duke Health researchers, fatty liver disease not caused by certain lifestyle factors can only be controlled by regulating blood sugar. And one of the most crucial things to regulate blood glucose is to avoid sugary foods as much as possible. While this might be challenging initially, it is necessary for better liver and overall health. The study suggested that those with fatty liver disease conditions could develop liver scarring and eventually liver failure due to poor blood sugar control. Hence, individuals who struggle to manage their condition should consult a healthcare professional.