Keep away from these foods for managing multiple sclerosis

Keep away from these foods for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a medical condition. The immune system attacks the body’s Central Nervous System (CNS). The myelin sheath covering the nerve cells comes under this attack. The condition affects the communication between the brain and body parts. It thus results in fatigue, pain, and vision problems. On the digestive front, bowel problems and loss of bladder control also happen. This article lists foods to avoid to reduce multiple sclerosis symptoms flare up.

MS is a slow and progressive disease. It disrupts the flow of information from the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Though there is no treatment for MS, taking care of a nutritional regime can help manage the flare-ups.

Common foods to avoid and better MS management

Unfortunately, there is no cure for MS yet. Its only management includes changes in lifestyle, medications, and targeted treatment. These methods help in overcoming common discomforts. Maintaining a balanced and healthy nutritional regime is a crucial element in this regard. Here are the common foods that you must avoid for better health.

Saturated and trans fat

Ensure a strict no-no to saturated animal fats. Cooking in saturated fats can increase cholesterol levels. In turn, it causes inflammation. High levels of cholesterol increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Saturated fats include cooking in coconut oil, palm oil, dairy fats, and meat fats. MS patients are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

These problems occur due to poor management of cholesterol. So, avoid saturated and trans fats in your daily foods. Baked goods and sweets have many trans fats. They are thus made with vegetable oils and hydrogenated ‘shortening’.

Foods rich in salt

Many relapse cases happen due to increased sodium levels in the system. Excess levels of salts increase the risk of high blood pressure. It might lead to significant circulatory problems if left ignored. As an inflammatory element of the food, it should get consumed only in the required amounts.

Refined grains

Refined grain strips off all essential nutrients and minerals that the body requires. They hamper the proper functioning of the body. As these foods add no nutritional value, they should be a red flag in a balanced meal. Multiple sclerosis patients should follow a high-fiber meal plan.

As whole grains are better than refined grains, this meal plan will give positive results. Fiber-rich foods help relieve the effects of constipation. Constipation is one of the common symptoms observed among MS patients. Whole grain foods are better for your health, while refined grains are the opposite. It impacts MS patients and causes a rise in symptoms.

Processed food

Processed foods available in the market are a big no to MS patients. Food companies process food to increase shelf life, exalt appearance, and augment taste. They might taste excellent and tempting but damage your intestine and digestive system.

Ajinomoto (Monosodium Glutamate)
Ajinomoto is an essential ingredient in all Chinese cuisines and has infiltrated our kitchen as a critical element of the food we prepare these days. Ajinomoto/Monosodium Glutamate damages the nervous systems of even unborn children. Avoid it for an improved treatment during multiple sclerosis.

Foods rich in sugar

Sugar contributes to unhealthy weight gain. Excess pounds of sugar-rich food put a lot of strain on the heart and body. Obesity is the most common implication of eating excess sugar-based products. As fatigue is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis, avoid sugar-processed food. Sugar is an inflammatory component of nutrition whose use should only be in moderation. Direct consumption of sugar needs strict control. Symptoms of this condition increase with the imbalanced condition of sugar.


So, these are some of the food items that one needs to avoid while suffering from multiple sclerosis. A proper nutritional regime can be healthy and help one live a lively and healthy lifestyle. For someone with MS, it is best to consume gluten-free foods, nuts, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, etc.