Break these 7 habits to protect teeth

Break these 7 habits to protect teeth

Our teeth are subject to damage due to multiple factors, including age and other health conditions. Moreover, there are certain unhealthy habits that could worsen teeth deterioration and also affect the effectiveness of dental procedures carried out by a trained professional. Further, such damage could cause pain that may affect one’s ability to carry out daily tasks. So, one must steer clear of these seven habits to prevent tooth damage and reduce infections.

Chewing ice
While ice helps stay hydrated and refreshed in the summer, munching on the solid may expose the teeth to cold temperatures, which could result in dental fractures. To avoid such damage, one must avoid biting ice. If they want to use it to chill their drink, they should drink beverages with a straw to avoid direct contact with the solid substance.

Biting nails
Generally, several people bite their nails when they get nervous or stressed. But this could lead to the chipping of one or more teeth, which could also impact the jaw. Moreover, a lot of bacteria may sit below the fingernails, which could also cause disease after contact with the gums. Therefore, an individual should look for ways to avoid biting their nails by indulging in stress management techniques. Painting the nails with bitter nail polish may also help break this bad habit that could damage one’s teeth.

Nibbling on pencils
Nibbling on the tip of pencils or eyeglasses while focused on a task is another common unhealthy habit that may damage oral health. The process may apply immense pressure on the teeth, which may lead to cracking or shifting. To break the habit, one could eat healthy vegetables throughout the day or speak to an expert about switching to sugar-free gum instead.

Consuming sugar-rich foods and beverages
Eating foods rich in sugars, such as chocolates and cupcakes, or frequently drinking sugary beverages is a common bad habit that may damage one’s teeth. These foods and beverages may feed bacteria that are present in the mouth, which could lead to tooth decay. As an alternative, one should eat nutritious vegetables to keep the teeth healthy. If one wishes to eat foods rich in sugars, one must drink water after to negate their harmful effects.

Grinding teeth
An individual who is stressed and anxious may often grind their teeth during the day or even when asleep. Also known as bruxism, the grinding effect may cause teeth to wear down and be exposed to decay. One should try stress management techniques like yoga and meditation to curb this unhealthy habit or speak to a dentist about using a mouth guard.

Opening bottles with teeth
While opening a bottle cap with the teeth is a cool thing to see, it may have adverse effects on dental health. The pressure applied while pulling the teeth may result in injuries to the jaw and cracking of teeth. One should open bottle caps with a dedicated tool such as an opener to avoid unnecessary tooth damage.

Using toothpicks
Toothpicks are a go-to solution to remove food stuck between the teeth. But poking the teeth with this object or other non-dental tools may damage oral health, leading to infected gums. As an alternative, one should use floss or an ADA-approved dental cleaning tool to extract food particles between the teeth.