Avoid these 7 common mistakes during menstruation

Avoid these 7 common mistakes during menstruation

For many women, menstruation is a monthly occurrence that brings about physical discomfort and hormonal fluctuations. It is crucial to understand how to navigate this natural process with care and attentiveness. Unfortunately, several common mistakes can inadvertently exacerbate discomfort and disrupt daily routines during the menstrual cycle. Here are some of the most prevalent mistakes to avoid during one’s period. Knowing and avoiding these can empower one to have a more comfortable monthly experience.

Not getting enough iron
Iron deficiency is common during menstruation due to blood loss. Neglecting to replenish iron levels can lead to fatigue, weakness, and anemia. It is important to include iron-rich foods in one’s daily intake, such as leafy greens, lean meats, beans, and fortified cereals. If necessary, one can consult one’s healthcare provider about oral treatments to ensure one maintains adequate iron levels during periods.

Not getting enough rest
Menstrual cycles can often be accompanied by fatigue and discomfort. Ignoring the need for rest and overexerting oneself can worsen these symptoms. It’s important to listen to the needs of one’s body and give oneself permission to rest more than usual and when needed. One should ensure that one gets enough sleep during the cycle and consider taking short breaks throughout the day to conserve energy and manage any physical or emotional discomfort.

Using scented products
Scented tampons, pads, or other feminine hygiene products contain chemicals and fragrances that may harm sensitive skin around the vaginal area. Over time, they can often lead to irritation, rashes, or allergic reactions. One is advised to opt for biodegradable and natural products whenever possible to minimize the risk to one’s health.

Relying on painkillers
While painkillers can provide temporary relief from menstrual cramps, relying solely on them without exploring other natural remedies can be a mistake. Consider incorporating alternative approaches like hot water bottles, herbal teas, gentle exercise, and relaxation techniques into one’s pain management routine. If the pain persists or becomes severe, consult a healthcare professional for better and more holistic alternatives specific to one’s bodily needs.

Douching, the practice of rinsing the vagina with water or other solutions, is unnecessary and can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. It can lead to vaginal infections, irritation, and inflammation. The vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism, and using harsh cleansers or douches can interfere with its natural pH balance and protective mechanisms. One should stick to gentle external cleaning with mild soap and water to maintain hygiene.

Not washing hands before tampon or pad usage
Not washing one’s hands before inserting tampons or using pads can introduce bacteria to one’s vaginal area and increase the risk of infection. It’s important to wash hands before and after handling sanitary products to minimize the risk of contamination.

Not changing enough
Changing sanitary products regularly is crucial to prevent bacterial growth and maintain hygiene. Prolonged use of the same pad or tampon can lead to an unpleasant odor, discomfort, and an increased risk of infection.

Apart from these, one also needs to drink enough water and care for one’s emotional well-being, which may get disrupted due to hormonal fluctuations. Additionally, it’s essential to pay attention to any changes or abnormalities in one’s menstruation, including heavy flow or irregularity. By practicing proper hygiene, engaging in self-care, and making informed choices, one can have a healthier and more comfortable menstrual experience.