9 best foods for relieving constipation

9 best foods for relieving constipation

Constipation is a common problem that is characterized by symptoms like passing stools less than three times a week, straining, lumpy or hard stools, feeling blocked, and being unable to pass a stool. The intensity of these symptoms may vary from person to person. Healthy eating habits can help relieve constipation by adding bulk, softening the stool, and decreasing gut transit time. So, here are a few foods that can relieve constipation:

Prunes are a popular natural remedy for constipation. They are rich in fiber, and the insoluble fiber content (cellulose) increases the water content in the stool, which adds bulk. The soluble fiber produces short-chain fatty acids in the colon, increasing bulk. Prunes also contain sorbitol and phenolic compounds, which have a laxative effect on the body. The combination of these three factors makes prunes an excellent home remedy for those struggling with constipation.

Apples are also a rich source of fiber. The insoluble fiber content adds bulk, while the soluble fiber (pectin) forms short-chain fatty acids and pulls water into the colon. This softens the stool and decreases gut transit time, which can help relieve constipation. For best results, one should have apples with their skin intact.

Chickpeas are a rich source of protein, iron, and fiber. They can easily be added to meals in the form of hummus or a salad. They are particularly high in a soluble fiber called raffinose that breaks down slowly in the colon and aids bowel movement.

Oats are a good source of the soluble fiber beta-glucan, which helps with digestion and cholesterol. Oat bran, the outer casing of the oat grain, contains the highest amount of fiber and has been reported to increase the frequency and consistency of bowel movements, particularly among older adults.

Leafy greens such as spinach and Brussels sprouts offer a lot of nutritional value, including fiber, folate, and vitamins C and K. These can help add bulk to the stool, providing relief from constipation.

Artichoke hearts have a prebiotic effect on the body, promoting good gut health. Artichoke feeds the good bacteria in the gut, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli . These good bacteria have a positive effect on digestion and stool frequency and consistency.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds are packed with fiber. When they come in contact with water, they form a gel, which helps soften the stool. Chia seeds also help add bulk to the stool to allow constipation relief. They are versatile and can easily be added to meals as a topping or mixed in salad dressings and desserts.

Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are a good source of the insoluble fibers cellulose and lignin and the soluble fiber pectin. The fiber helps by adding bulk to the stools, relieving constipation.

Flaxseeds are popular as a traditional remedy for constipation. They contain soluble and insoluble fiber, making them adept at helping with bowel movements. Apart from the fiber content, they also contain oil, which acts as a lubricant for quicker relief from constipation. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women must speak to their doctors before adding flaxseeds to their meals.