7 foods to help prevent dry eyes

7 foods to help prevent dry eyes

Dry eyes is a condition in which the eyes cannot produce sufficient tears to help them stay wet or moist. This can happen when the tear ducts do not work correctly or the tear glands are unable to produce enough tears, leading to red, itchy, and gritty eyes. There are several ways to manage this condition, and aside from prescriptions and home remedies, one can opt for the right food regimen to manage dry eyes.

The omega-3 fatty acids available in fish are one of the best food sources to help the functioning of tear glands in the eyes. These fatty acids are essential when it comes to the development and stability of the tear film and retina functioning, so include fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, menhaden, herring, and cod in meals. There are studies to suggest that eating enough omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of dry eyes by 17%. However, one can also opt for supplements in case one does not like the taste of fish or cannot have it.

Carrots really do help with eyesight due to the vitamin A and beta carotene available in them. This is what gives the vegetable its bright orange color. The vegetable can be had in various forms or even added to sauces and smoothies for consumption.

This is one of the best foods for its vitamin and mineral content that helps support the tear film and overall eye health. The potassium and magnesium found in avocados are important to compose the electrolytes found in the tears in the eyes. It is because of these electrolytes that the tears are salty in taste. Avocados also have anti-inflammatory compounds like the carotenoid lutein, which helps in fighting oxidative damage to the eye. It is also responsible for helping fight the progression of other chronic diseases that may affect eye health.

These are another good source of lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, C, and zinc, which are all important for eye health. The antioxidant compounds lutein and zeaxanthin are also recommended by the American Optometry Association as these can help support the retina of the eyes and also help in preventing dry eyes, UV damage, and the development of cataracts.

These include foods like black-eyed peas, kidney beans, and lima beans, which are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that support eye health. Beans have both zinc and copper, which help in keeping the retina healthy and protect it from the damaging effects of light. They also help maintain healthy levels of red blood cells in the body, which also play a part in eye health.

Options like chia seeds, flax seeds, and hemp seeds should be added to meals on a daily basis. They can easily be added to smoothies or salads to retain their nutrients. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and also vitamin E, which are both essential in managing the symptoms of dry eyes. Sunflower seeds and almonds are also important to keep the oil production at a healthy level, ensuring moisture is retained in the eye.

While it’s not really food, staying hydrated is one of the most crucial remedies to keep in mind while tackling dry eyes. Hydrating thoroughly lubricates not just the joints but all parts of the body to help function them properly and healthily. Water is also essential in maintaining tear quantity.