6 mistakes to avoid while taking supplements

6 mistakes to avoid while taking supplements

Taking supplements is an effective way to add extra vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients lacking in regular meals. These fill in potential nutritional gaps and improve overall health. However, your supplement regimens may not give the results you want if you commit some of these common mistakes. After all, these are not immediate solutions and require professional supervision, caution, and discipline. Thus, here are a few common mistakes to avoid while taking supplements.

Not consulting a doctor before taking the supplements
If you have been experiencing symptoms that seem like a vitamin deficiency, consult your primary care doctor; they are likely to recommend blood tests. Through these tests, you will know which nutrient levels are low in your body, and your doctor can recommend the appropriate supplements. Moreover, consulting a doctor will ensure that the supplements do not interfere with any other prescriptions you might take for a pre-existing health condition.

Taking too many supplements all at once
It is a misconception that the more supplements you take, the better it is for your health. Mixing different supplements may lead to chemical interactions in your body that will do more harm than good. Also, it will cause the liver to overwork. Excess supplement intake over a prolonged period can also lead to liver damage. The risk of this happening is quite high if multiple supplements are mixed without consulting your primary care doctor. If you do have to take several supplements, make sure you space them out.

Taking only one supplement for everything
Many brands often advertise that one supplement will solve all your health concerns. There are usually multivitamins that do take care of several vitamin deficiencies and improve overall health. However, if you are thinking about taking a single supplement to improve several aspects of your health, such as heart, liver, or skin, this won’t work. A single supplement cannot take care of all your health needs.

Depending too much on supplements for all nutritional requirements
Supplements can only fill in nutrition gaps; they are not substitutes for complete meals. Taking supplements will not help in managing severe nutrient deficiencies. It is imperative to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and whole foods. Following a varied meal plan with wholesome, healthy ingredients should always be the first priority.

Not taking the supplements in the right combination
Not all minerals and vitamins are compatible or incompatible with one another. For example, calcium is easily absorbed in the body in the presence of vitamins K and D. Also; the body can process iron better in the presence of vitamin C. However, if you take calcium and iron supplements simultaneously, the calcium will prevent iron absorption. Moreover, it can lead to side effects, such as upset stomach or constipation. So always consult your primary care doctor to ensure you take the right combination of supplements.

Not storing the supplements properly
It is a common habit to store prescriptions and supplements in a cabinet in the bathroom. While this may be convenient for you, this kind of storage will spoil the supplements earlier than their expiry dates. This is because your bathroom has high humidity compared to the rest of your house. Also, don’t store them in the kitchen, as temperature fluctuations are quite common here. Try to store vitamins and minerals in a dry and cool space away from heat and humidity sources in the house.