6 foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

6 foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which the immune system attacks the body’s central nervous system. The myelin sheath covering the nerve cells is typically attacked, and the communication between the brain and body parts gets affected. This can result in symptoms like fatigue, pain, vision problems, bowel movement issues, and loss of bladder control. While the disease has no permanent cure, it can be managed through treatment and changes in eating habits.

  1. Foods with saturated and trans fats

Multiple sclerosis patients are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems brought on by poor management of cholesterol levels. So, people with the condition should avoid saturated animal fats and trans fats, as cooking in unhealthy fats can increase cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes and can also cause inflammation. Saturated fats can sneak into one’s meals when food is cooked in coconut oil, palm oil, dairy fats, and meat fats. Additionally, one should avoid baked goods like cakes and cookies as these contain trans fats, which can trigger inflammation of blood vessels. Avoiding these fats can help one reduce the risk of developing severe cardiovascular problems.

  1. Excessive salt

Increased sodium levels in the system trigger many relapse cases of MS. Excessive consumption of salt increases the risk of high blood pressure, which can result in significant circulatory problems if left untreated. As an inflammatory ingredient, salt should be used in limited amounts to avoid health issues.

  1. Refined grains

Refined grains are stripped of all the essential nutrients and minerals during processing and can hamper the proper functioning of the body. As these foods add no nutritional value, they should not be part of a balanced meal plan for MS patients. Instead, people with the condition should follow a high-fiber nutritional regimen, as whole grains are better than refined grains. Fiber-rich foods help relieve the effects of constipation—one of the common symptoms observed among MS patients. Whole grain foods are beneficial for one’s health, whereas refined grains can negatively impact the body and aggravate the symptoms associated with the condition.

  1. Processed food

Processed foods like readymade meals and meats like sausage and ham should be avoided by those affected by MS. Companies process foods to increase their shelf life, enhance appearance, and augment taste. These foods taste great and can be extremely tempting, but they can damage the intestines and digestive system. So, people with this condition should avoid processed foods.

  1. Ajinomoto (MSG)

Ajinomoto is an essential ingredient in some Chinese recipes and is essentially a flavor enhancer that is common in some households. However, Ajinomoto or monosodium glutamate is harmful to people with multiple sclerosis as their immune systems can react negatively to its consumption. It may damage the neurons, so one should avoid adding this ingredient to their meals.

  1. Excessive sugar

Sugar-rich food can put a lot of strain on the heart and body and even cause fatigue, which is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis. Sugar is also an inflammatory component, which should be used in moderation. People with MS should strictly avoid refined sugar and sweet foods like cookies, sugary drinks, and sodas. Excessive sugar can aggravate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and worsen one’s overall condition.

MS is a progressive disease that can disrupt the flow of information from the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Further, some patients can be affected by relapsing MS, which means one goes through periods of worsening symptoms and experiences a stable condition between relapses. Here, doctors might recommend a pill for relapsing multiple sclerosis to relieve severe symptoms. Such treatment can also help reduce the relapse rate.