6 foods that are bad for the lungs

6 foods that are bad for the lungs

The meals we have on a daily basis significantly impact our overall health. Healthy foods contain several vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial to organs like the lungs. People suffering from lung ailments like asthma may notice an increase in their symptoms when they eat certain foods. Here are six that you must stop eating to improve the health of your lungs.

Milk is nutritious and rich in calcium, but this dairy product contains a compound derived from milk. Studies show that the compound can trigger excessive production of mucus in the intestines. And during a flare-up, the excess mucus can result in breathing problems.

Including this cruciferous vegetable in daily meals is quite harmful to the lungs. Cauliflower is abundant in glucosinolates, which is a sulfur-containing chemical. The sulfur released in the system can lead to bloating, subsequently making life tough for those with lung diseases. Other cruciferous vegetables that should be avoided include broccoli, radishes, and cabbage.

French fries
All fried foods pose several health risks to the human body. The compound released from french fries can push against the diaphragm and make it difficult to breathe. Fried chicken, onion rings, and other fried foods are equally unhealthy for your body. These foods can further trigger weight gain, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and heart disease.

Cold cuts
Bacon, ham, and hotdogs are loaded with nitrates and nitrites. These compounds enhance the flavor of the meat and keep them fresh. However, studies show that nitrites and nitrates can increase the risk of COPD. Therefore, including cold cuts in meals is unhealthy for the lungs.

Too much salt in your foods can worsen your lung health. Salt tends to retain water in the body. This surplus water can cause breathing problems and worsen your symptoms if you have asthma or other lung ailments.

Carbonated beverages like soda are unhealthy for the human body. And this fact is emphasized for those with lung complications. Having beverages that are rich in sugar, empty calories, and carbonation may lead to a gain in mass. This increase in mass can pressurize your lungs and make you feel uneasy.