5 key signs of vasculitis

5 key signs of vasculitis

Vasculitis is a condition that causes inflammation in blood vessels, leading to changes like narrowing and thickening of the vessels. As a result, adequate blood and nutrition may not reach all parts of the body, causing multiple health issues. Nevertheless, by recognizing the signs of the condition, one can seek an early diagnosis and treatment options for preventing further complications. So, here are a few common symptoms of vasculitis to recognize:

Vasculitis flare-ups are often characterized by fevers, as over time, the disease tends to negatively affect the immune system. As a result, when dealing with the condition, one may experience frequent infections and illnesses. Fever is a sign of the body fighting back against such health issues. So, if one experiences unexplained fever often, then they should get examined for vasculitis.

Vasculitis makes the blood vessels narrower, restricting blood flow. As a result, various parts of the body, including the brain and lungs, may be unable to get enough oxygen and nutrients through the blood. This restricted supply of blood can cause feelings of tiredness after engaging in routine tasks, such as climbing a flight of stairs.

Stomach ulcers
The stomach and intestines can also be affected by this condition. So, a common symptom of vasculitis is physical changes in the stomach and both intestines. Here, ulcers and perforations may be observed, causing pain while eating and defecating. While not everyone with vasculitis may experience this symptom, it is still a health concern that should prompt immediate medical intervention.

Skin rashes
Another symptom that many may experience when dealing with vasculitis is skin rashes. Such rashes tend to look like purplish-red spots, generally developing on the legs. The emergence of these spots is known as palpable purpura. The main reason for this symptom is the leakage of blood into the skin through damaged blood vessels. There are several different types of vasculitis, and the type that causes this symptom affects small-diameter blood vessels in the skin. Such skin rashes are warning signs that should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible.

Red eyes
The scope of vasculitis is not limited to the skin; eyes are a common area affected by the condition. Vasculitis can make the eyes appear red, and this is often an early sign of the condition. Additionally, those with this condition are likely to experience itching or burning sensation in the eyes. Redness in the eyes can be a symptom of several health conditions, so this sign should prompt a visit to an eye specialist to determine the exact cause and seek immediate treatment.

These are just some of the signs of vasculitis. So, in some cases, symptoms like pain throughout the body or in specific parts, an unexplained loss of appetite, dizziness, occasional skin bleeding, shortness of breath, and numbness in the hands and feet may also be observed. Upon noticing one or more signs of the condition, one should consult a doctor and seek a prompt diagnosis and treatment plan.