4 cancer symptoms that can worsen due to excessive sugar

4 cancer symptoms that can worsen due to excessive sugar

Our food habits influence our overall health and well-being. While an excess of anything is harmful, sugar is among the worst ingredients to overeat. Consistently devouring sweets in large amounts can lead to high blood glucose, which can, in turn, lead to other health complications. For instance, it can affect the body’s cells and tissues, increasing the risk of cancer in vulnerable groups. Here are some early warning signs of cancer due to excessive sugar.

Cancer reduces the production of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body, causing anemia. Anemia is a condition in which vital organs like the brain and lungs do not get enough oxygen and nutrients to function efficiently. As the organs find it hard to work, patients experience perpetual fatigue. They feel tired even after doing basic tasks, such as walking a few steps or climbing a flight of stairs.

When people enjoy too many sugary treats at once, their blood sugar spikes significantly. When that happens, they immediately experience a boost in energy levels and feel euphoric. However, this effect does not last long. As their blood glucose levels normalize, they feel tired and sleepy. This is how high blood sugar can worsen fatigue in people with cancer. Hence, patients should resist their sweet cravings as far as possible to control their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Cancer is known to trigger other health conditions, some of which can cause ear-splitting headaches. For example, patients may develop anemia and dehydration (caused by frequent diarrhea and vomiting). These conditions tend to cause pressure and inflammation in different body parts. When the brain is affected by inflammation, one may experience headaches.

Both high and low blood sugar can worsen headaches in individuals with cancer and migraine. This happens because unsteady blood glucose levels affect the brain’s functionality. Therefore, if one already has cancer or migraine, consuming sugar in moderation or eliminating it from meals is advisable.

Vision problems
Cancer is inextricably linked with vision problems. The condition tends to disrupt circulation to various body parts, due to which the eyes and brain do not receive the blood and nutrients they need to function correctly.

High blood sugar can worsen cancer-induced vision problems by causing diabetic retinopathy and permanent vision impairment. These conditions occur when the eye’s blood vessels become swollen and damaged due to excess glucose. These damaged blood vessels slow down the blood flow to the eyes and brain, causing blurry vision too.

Bowel issues
Cancer affects the digestive system, causing symptoms like stomach pain, gas, and loose bowels. If a person with cancer eats too many sweets, they may experience these symptoms worsening. This is because sugar takes time to digest. When one overeats sugary foods, it puts pressure on the digestive system, resulting in gas and bowel issues. People who enjoy sugar-heavy meals regularly and have cancer will likely have a bad tummy and diarrhea more often. Avoiding sweet foods and eating nutritious meals can ease digestive discomforts.