10 early warning signs of COPD

10 early warning signs of COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, is a lung condition that affects millions of people in the country. It’s a progressive disorder that often starts subtly and worsens over time, making early detection crucial for effective management. If an individual is at risk for COPD, understanding the early warning signs can make all the difference in maintaining a high quality of life. Ten such early symptoms of COPD are listed below.

Persistent Cough

One of the common early signs of COPD is a persistent cough that lingers for weeks or even months. This cough may produce mucus. If someone has a chronic cough, they should consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation.

Shortness of Breath

Feeling breathless during everyday activities like climbing stairs, walking, or even while at rest is a common early sign of COPD. The person may also notice a gradual decrease in lung capacity, making it harder to catch their breath.

Increased Mucus Production

People with COPD often experience an increase in mucus production in their airways. It can lead to frequent throat clearing and coughing. If one notices a persistent change in mucus production, it is time to seek a health expert’s advice.


Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs during breathing. It is a classic sign of COPD and results from narrowed airways. Wheezing may come and go, so one should not dismiss it as a minor problem.

Frequent Respiratory Infections

COPD can weaken the respiratory tract, making an individual more susceptible to infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. If one frequently battles respiratory illnesses, it could be an early warning sign of COPD.

Chest Tightness

Many people with COPD describe a feeling of tightness in their chest. It’s often compared to the sensation of a heavy weight pressing down on the chest. This discomfort can be unsettling and may indicate an underlying lung issue.


As COPD progresses, the body has to work harder to breathe, which can lead to extreme fatigue. If someone is constantly tired and it’s interfering with their daily life, it may indicate health conditions like COPD.

Unexplained Body Mass Loss

Unexpected body mass loss can be a concerning early sign of COPD. The increased energy expenditure required for breathing and the decreased appetite often associated with the condition can result in unintentional BMI loss.

The Blueness of Lips or Fingernails

In advanced stages of COPD, reduced oxygen levels in the blood can lead to cyanosis, a bluish discoloration of the lips or fingernails. It is a severe symptom that requires immediate attention from a health expert.

Decreased Exercise Tolerance

Over time, one may notice that they can’t participate in physical activities as they used to. This decreased exercise tolerance is a crucial indicator of COPD.

While these early warning signs can indicate the presence of COPD, it’s important to remember that they can also be symptoms of other respiratory conditions or underlying health issues. In either case, it’s crucial to seek a professional evaluation and diagnosis.