7 signs of headaches that need urgent attention ?>

7 signs of headaches that need urgent attention

Individuals may experience a headache on many occasions. When a headache occurs, the intensity of the pain can be dull, sharp, constant, or throbbing. About one out of every six people complain about such aches each year. Despite the pain, headaches often occur intermittently, and one may not have to worry about them. However, if some signs and symptoms occur frequently and without warning, one may have to see their physician.

Recurring headaches
A headache that occurs regularly could be categorized as a chronic headache. This is characteristic of people who have headaches for at least 15 days each month. Some types of headaches that may turn chronic include tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines. Individuals affected by regular headaches may also suffer from psychiatric problems like depression or anxiety.

Pain that wakes you up suddenly
If the pain from a headache wakes an individual up, it could be an alarming sign of a hypnic headache. These may occur at the same time several nights during a week. The pain from hypnic headaches can be described as stabbing, throbbing, burning, pulsating, or dull. While the condition affects people of all ages, it is more common in individuals over 50. These headaches are also known to affect women more than men.

Throbbing sensations
Pain that causes a throbbing sensation is a common symptom of several types of headaches. These include sinus, tension, cluster, caffeine-withdrawal, and hangover headaches. An individual may also experience these sensations if they suffer from migraines. The pain is often localized to one region of the head. It may make one want to lie down for a certain time and rest until the pain subsides. Such symptoms could make it difficult to go about with a person’s routine.

Persistent pain
These types of headaches develop quickly and come with persistent pain that lasts for at least 24 hours. The sensation may remain for days at a time. Pain caused by persistent headaches (new daily persistent headaches) can be an alarming sign. It may worsen or improve from day to day. However, this feeling will not go away. While such headaches are rare, those who experience them may find it difficult to focus on daily tasks.

Pain that develops in 60 seconds or less
If an individual experiences pain in the head that develops in about 60 seconds, they might be affected by thunderclap headaches. The phenomenon might be triggered by bleeding in the brain after an aneurysm rupture, stroke, or other injuries.

Nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light
Headaches accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light are cause for concern. These are common symptoms of migraines, which result in throbbing sensations on one side of the head. While they are not life-threatening, an individual’s overall well-being gets affected.

Fever or stiff neck
Those who experience headaches with a fever or a stiff neck may have underlying health complications such as encephalitis, which is the inflammation of the brain. They may also suffer from meningitis, where the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord gets inflamed. Either of these conditions could be fatal if one does not seek appropriate treatments.

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