5 things to check before donating to a charity ?>

5 things to check before donating to a charity

Donating to a charity is a way for one to contribute to the well-being of others and give back to society. However, despite having the best of intentions, one can inadvertently encounter challenges or potential deceivers when donating. So, before proceeding to donate, it is essential for one to be informed and discerning about the charities they choose to support. Here are a few things that one must know and check before donating.

The type of charity
The first thing one must check about the charity they are donating to is their cause. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the causes and type of charity one is supporting. A few common causes charities usually work toward include healthcare research, animal welfare, social services, environmental conservation, education, etc. Besides these, one must also learn about the charity’s mission and its aims with the funds received.

Legal status, accreditation, and registration
It is extremely important to find out about the charity’s legal status, accreditation, and registration before donating, as these aspects determine the organization’s legitimacy. Reputable charities are typically registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Additionally, there are some reputable organizations that help find credible charities where one can donate.

Transparency regarding donations
Before donating to a charity, one must also find out how transparent the organization is regarding the donated funds. By inquiring about this, one can get to know essential information about where the funds will be allocated and how it may help the entire mission. Additionally, one must also seek to know about the percentage of donations that go directly to the cause versus administrative expenses. If an organization is reputable, it will openly disclose this information to its donors.

The progress made so far
If one is choosing to donate to an organization or a charity that has been working for a long time, one must find out about their contribution to their chosen field. A reputable charity should be able to showcase its impact and progress over time. One can also visit the charity or the donation’s website and find out their progress record. This information helps donors determine the effectiveness of the charity’s efforts.

If the charity accepts in-kind donations
Donations can go beyond money. One can also donate things that could be useful to either the charity or the ones they are helping. For instance, one can donate clothes to a charity that is helping underprivileged children. One can also donate healthcare equipment to a geriatric charity or pet food and other care supplies to an animal welfare charity. So, if one aims to make such in-kind donations, one must ask the charitable organization if they would accept it.

A few other tips to ensure a secure donation

It may be risky to donate via wire transfer or gift cards, as these methods are often associated with increased risks of fraud. When donating, one must stick to paying via card or checks.
Check the bank balance after donating to confirm that only the intended donation amount has been deducted accurately.
Keep a record of all donations.

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