5 gastrointestinal issues caused due to high sugar ?>

5 gastrointestinal issues caused due to high sugar

Despite the satisfaction sugar provides, the consensus is that it harms one’s health. The pitfalls of excessive sugar intake include poor liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, respiratory, eye, and mental health. It can build a bed of severe conditions such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and gastrointestinal distress. High sugar levels severely impact your gut health, giving rise to various unpleasant symptoms. To avoid complications, switching to a less sugar-dependant lifestyle is prudent.

Acid reflux
Heavy reliance on sugary foods can lead to symptoms like acid reflux. It is a concerning sign of gastrointestinal disorders caused by excessive sugar intake. High amounts of sugar in the body can result in restricted functioning of the pancreas, causing bacterial overgrowth. It can lead to excessive acid in the digestive tract and a suppressed absorption of nutrients. This acid is known as acid reflux when it finds its way back up into the esophagus.

Bloating is a result of various factors. Some might experience it as a combination of menstruation symptoms, food sensitivities or intolerances, overeating, and swallowing air. Another common factor for bloating is the intake of excessive sugar. The intestine works hard to absorb water needed by the body. However, sugar can stop that and draw water away from the intestinal cells. This can cause a feeling of heaviness or bloating. If this continues for a long time, it is essential to consult a doctor and seek an appropriate solution.

Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms of digestive distress. Gastrointestinal disorders often cause loose or watery stools making frequent bathroom visits a necessary evil. Based on the cause of diarrhea, it can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. If not dealt with properly, it can cause severe dehydration in the individual. Triggers for diarrhea include food intolerance, excessive sugar intake, celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease. Sugar can cause the gut to release electrolytes and water back into the body, causing stool loosening. If one experiences prolonged diarrhea, it is prudent to speak to a doctor and find out the cause of it.

A meal that lacks the appropriate amount of fiber can cause bowel movements to slow down. So does the presence of excessive sugar in meals, contributing to constipation. When the dehydrating effect of sugar is combined with insufficient fiber in meal plans, it can harden stools and cause constipation. It can be resolved by switching to high-fiber and low-sugar meal plans. However, if the problem persists, it could be a sign of poor gastrointestinal condition and indicate the presence of an underlying condition caused by excessive sugar.

Gas is another common symptom associated with gastrointestinal disorders that can occur because of excessive sugar intake. When too much sugar is present, the body might have difficulty breaking it down. As a result, the food remains in the intestine for a long time and can start to ferment. When fermented sugar moves through the large intestine, it feeds unhealthy bacteria and yeast leading to gaseous buildup. Someone who experiences gas due to excessive sugar intake may also have to deal with painful spasming or cramping of the stomach region.

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